2021-06-30 - We are meeting again, post-Covid!
We have all been chomping at the bit to play in-person Go again, after the lockdown. Now we are meeting again! Yay!!!
2020-03-16 - We are suspending meetings due to the Corona virus pandemic.
We encourage you to play online until it is safe again to meet in person. Contact us if you would like to be placed on our mailing list to be notified when we begin regular meetings again.
2019-07-20 - Sarah and Bob Crites take US Go Congress in Madison WI by storm!
Sarah went 6-0 in the US Open, winning first place in the 6 kyu division. She also won the 13x13 kyu championship and her division in the Women's tournament. Bob went 5-1 in the US Open, winning first place in the 5 kyu division.
2017-10-18 - Alphago Zero bests all previous versions in record time
2014-12-19 - Jason Long is leaving the Harrisburg area
The Harrisburg Area Go Club is sad to see its founder, Jason Long, leave the Harrisburg area. He leaves the club in the capable hands of Tom Boone and Bob Crites, who have strong passions for the game of Go and plan to continue their weekly meetings.
2014-11-04 - Sarah Crites is featured in a Washington Post article on Go
Washington Post article on Go featuring Sarah
2012-02-19 - Tom Boone Wins Harrisburg Winter Tournament
The Harrisburg Area Go Club sponsored a February 19 "Winter Tournament" at the Lower Paxton Youth Center in Harrisburg. Tom Boone (11k) won, with five of seven games played. The tournament attracted nine players, ranging in strength from 15k to 1k, from Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The self-paired format allowed players to play as many games as they could handle, and everyone got in at least five rated games.
2010-12-07 - New Website Address, and return to Wednesday Nights
Welcome to the new Harrisburg Area Go Club website. Now that we have a real website address, we will be taking a more active role in trying to attract new players. If you are a regular attendee, I will be giving you some fliers to be hung wherever you think would be a good place.
The Go Club has been going well. We have a good meeting location, and attendance has increased over the past few months (despite one of our more dedicated players having a conflict on meeting night). Some of the new participants are new players, and getting better.
Starting the week after Christmas we will be switching back to WEDNESDAY night meetings. This will let one of our more regular players be able to attend. So hoping to see you on Wednesdays in 2011!